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Welcome to "Cocktail Club," an invigorating new art collection that'll distill the essence of cool, modern western couples into a series of unforgettable visual concoctions. Each piece is a recipe for rebellion, a blend of country charm and urban chic, inspired by cocktails that defy convention and celebrate individuality. 

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Cocktail Club Collection

30 x 40 x 1.5 Inches


Inner City Spice is a real doozy - it's like sippin' on a spicy margarita on a hot summer night, feelin' the city heat and the country cool all mixed up in one mighty fine swig. It's a reminder that life, is best savored when you're mixin' it up just right. You gotta add a dash of this, a pinch of that, and a whole lotta your own special somethin' to make it truly unforgettable. And, that's exactly what this piece is all about - findin' your own recipe for happiness and servin' it up with a whole lotta sass and style.

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“Following your own path in life is like enjoying a well-made cocktail: both demand a perfect mix of courage and authenticity, a resistance to the pressure to conform, and the appreciation of the rich, complex flavors that come from being unapologetically yourself.


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